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This week’s top tips and current promotions

A revived Italian white and an intensely fruity Australian red are among my supermarket stars this week.

My supermarket stars this week include a revived Italian white and an intensely fruity Australian red. Read on and you’ll also find reminders for two big promotions that end this week plus a taste of the latest offers at M&S.

2019 Cestino Perorino (£6.50 at the Co-op):

Pecorino is one of those Italian whites that has seen a major revival, thanks to skilled modern winemakers and brave investment.

This particular version opens with apple blossom and peach aromas that lead into balanced grapefruit and cooked apple flavours with savoury touches but enlivened by delightful acidic freshness.

2018 Tempus Two Silver Series Cabernet (£5.99 – instead of £7.99 until 25 August – at Waitrose):

Consistent with the current trend, this Australian red puts less emphasis on texture and more on fruit – and, until tomorrow, you can enjoy it an impressive discount.

A medium-bodied wine, it contains intense cherry and plum flavours with firm acidity (but gentle tannin) and suggestions of aniseed, fennel and mint.

Current promotions

At M&S

The latest promotion at M&S started last week and is expected to run until 14 September. Below is a selection of the wines included but check your local store for the full range.

  • Conti Priuli Veneto Blush (Down from £8 to £7)
  • Primitivo (Down from £7 to £6)
  • Val de Loire Sauvignon Blanc (Drops from £7 to £6)
  • Clocktower Sauvignon Blanc (Drops from £12 to £10)
  • El Duque de Miralta Rioja Reserva (Down to £10)
  • Casa Leona Merlot (Drops from £7 to £6)

At Sainsbury’s

The current offers at Sainsbury’s are ending this week, see last week’s post for my highlights. For a steer on what to buy in the upcoming promotion, check back next Monday.

At Waitrose

The current ‘Up to 1/3 off’ promotion ends at Waitrose tomorrow. Details of their successor promotion will also follow in next Monday’s post.

Join us again on Thursday when the spotlight goes on wine from the Rhone plus some of the food that goes with it.

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