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Head South for Value and Enjoyment

Avoid “wine aisle indecision” – or is it dither? – with today’ edition of my simple guide to what’s good, tasty and great value right now.

Welcome aboard – subscribers new and established – to my latest Top Tips post; the place that highlights wines I consider represent especially good value for money.

My Top Tip feature is designed to provide signposts for folk who enjoy reliable, fairly typical, tasty wine at affordable prices.

On one hand it aims to free them from the irritating and time wasting “wine aisle indecision” one sees so often in most supermarkets.

Through no fault of the customer’s, they are obliged to spend ages making sense of confusingly large ranges, hyperbolic labels and myriad money off deals.

In truth, it’s little wonder that they often play it safe and buy the same brand week in and week out.

Life doesn’t have to be like that though; allow this site to be your guide towards dependable, great value – but varied – wines I think you will enjoy.

As one extra bit of assistance, hyperlinks and pictures are provided to help ensure that you are buying the correct wine.

Starting the with Sauvignon Blanc

2021 Extra Special Sauvignon Blanc (Currently £5.25 – instead of £7 – at Asda):

Since there are several Extra Special Sauvignons, make sure you get the right one; it’s the South African one with a cloud on the label, as per the picture. 

Soft with rose based aromas, it delivers sherbet lime acidity combined with attractive grapefruit, melon and green pepper flavours that unite to provide ample compensation for its slightly limited texture. 

Staying in the southern hemisphere for a red

2019 DeBortoli 17 Trees Shiraz (£6.99 – instead of £9.99 until 22 March – at Waitrose)

Here is a big, hearty Australian red with substantial alcoholic punch that brings us attractive, rich black cherry and damson flavours supported by smoky, tarry and chocolate components.

It also has noticeable oak influences and firm but not intrusive tannin – but do open it early though to allow everything to soften.

My next post (on Thursday) contains the latest details of promotions at major supermarkets ahead, of course, of next Monday’s disclosure of another pair of Top Tips.

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