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Wine Info Sources

For something closely linked with pleasure, it is amazing just how much anxiety wine decisions can generate. Will I, for example, look (literally) a plonker

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Seal of Approval

It’s time folks for more Spectrum Seal of Approval awards; my quarterly quest for High Street wines that punch significantly above their price point. My

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Warwick Estate

Although the basic 80 per cent of winemaking is undoubtedly science – art and artistry is, surely, the sherpa for the final ascent from good

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Judging by the example set by its wine producers, it was no surprise to see Portugal shaking free from its international financial bailout last month.

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WHEN Innis & Gunn released its first beer in 2003, the rich vanilla and toffee flavours it had derived from oak ageing had an immediate

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2 Glasses of wine
