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First 2020 Lidl Wine Tour

Last week, I picked out a couple of wines from the latest Lidl Wine Tour but now I look in detail at that promotion and single out one grape variety in particular for closer inspection.

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A Sparkling End to the Year

Today’s post turns the spotlight on sparkling wine to celebrate Christmas and the New Year and includes a few English versions that I think you will especially enjoy.

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Star White Wines for Christmas

Today’s post turns the spotlight on white wine for the Christmas lunch table and ranges from New Zealand to California to Alsace with excellent traditional fare in between.

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Red Wines for Christmas

In the second of our Christmas special posts, the spotlight goes on red wines – ranging from the the traditional to new world stars like a malbec made by a French family in Argentina.

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A Pre-Christmas Wine Tour

Here are my top choices from the 30 or so wines (from £5.99 upwards) included in the new Lidl Wine Tour that starts this morning. Equally, don’t miss a fantastic and detailed Top Tip about the world of sherry.

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A Pre-Christmas Wine Tour

Here are my top choices from the 30 or so wines (from £5.99 upwards) included in the new Lidl Wine Tour that starts this morning. Equally, don’t miss a fantastic and detailed Top Tip about the world of sherry.

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Great value wines in another Winter List

Often underappreciated by the snooty end of the wine press, Morrisons buyers do the basics well but here delight us with some great value options from elsewhere on the price ladder – along, of course, with our usual Best of the Rest feature and a Top Tip.

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Great value wines in another Winter List

Often underappreciated by the snooty end of the wine press, Morrisons buyers do the basics well but here delight us with some great value options from elsewhere on the price ladder – along, of course, with our usual Best of the Rest feature and a Top Tip.

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