Extraordinary wines for ordinary evenings


Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott
Wine in Vineyard
Pouring White Wine

Brian Elliott is an established wine journalist, taster, judge and writer with a weekly column in Scottish newspapers.

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Budget Wines

After the inevitable extravagances of Christmas, comes the reckoning – often in the form of the January Visa bill. That, however, need not mean embracing

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Everyone from (allegedly) the First Minister down knows how fantastic Linlithgow’s Champany Inn steaks are. Fewer people, however, know about Champany Cellars – the Inn’s

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From France’s Toulouse to the Lorne square slice, each country has its own variation on the humble banger – and television cookery programmes have put

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Levin & Misha

The days of a “job for life” have gone. However, individuals and traditional crafts often both benefit from the positive effects career switching can bring.

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Hard to credit I know but the 2014 southern hemisphere grape harvest is now just weeks away – and could even begin this month in

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Last century saw major upheavals in the Chilean way of life, especially during the Allende and Pinochet regimes. There has, however, also been a quieter

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Seal of Approval

The red carpet has been rolled out and the trophies are waiting on the stage. All is now ready for this quarter’s Spectrum Seal of

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Sweet Wines

Despite – or, perhaps, because of – our parents’ generation’s love affair with sweetness, dessert wines attract depressingly little interest these days. Far from being

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Wine Info Sources

For something closely linked with pleasure, it is amazing just how much anxiety wine decisions can generate. Will I, for example, look (literally) a plonker

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Seal of Approval

It’s time folks for more Spectrum Seal of Approval awards; my quarterly quest for High Street wines that punch significantly above their price point. My

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