Ordinaire in style but extra- ordinaire in value

These terrific value selections give you a UK equivalent to the vin ordinaire drinking enjoyed in wine producing countries.

In many ways the European tradition of vin ordinaire chimes well with the rationale behind this website.

In most wine-producing countries, drinking what they create (in sensible qualities) has often been, literally, an “every day” occurrence.  

Of course, there will be superior local wines for meals that are a little bit special.

These can range from family Sunday lunches to exceptional birthday events.

For “normal” days, though, all that is needed is affordable, easy drinking wine that makes no claims to complexity or longevity.

This is where the drift of these observations converges with MidWeek Wines.

My Top Tip recommendations of unpretentious but good value wines represent a UK version of the vin ordinaire of wine producing areas.

So do read on for two choice that fit the ordinaire template perfectly.

Meanwhile, the Friday Treat and Sunday Best selections continue to be available for one or other of those “superior events”.

Adopting my traditional format, images and, where possible, hyperlinks accompany the assessments of those wines.

First stop is South Africa

2022 De Luxe Chenin Blanc (£5.99 at Lidl – but may currently be available at £5.49):

One grape that fits the ordinaire model well is the South African incarnation of chenin blanc.

This version of chenin forms part of the recently re-introduced and impressive De Luxe core wine range at Lidl.

Textured with a tasty savoury balance, its foundation centres on fresh greengage, nectarine and red apple flavours.

These are joined and enhanced by attractive lemon curd and vanilla components.

On to typical ordinaire country

2020 Louis Raynald Cȏtes du Rhȏne (£5.19 at Morrisons):

The main virtues of classic red vin ordinaire are that it is approachable, good value, medium bodied and has lively fruit flavours.

Yes, France’s Rhone Valley, I have your wines in mind – and especially this one!

Dark and warm, it has nutty cherry, plum and olive flavours as its cornerstone.

Those elements are supported here by good acidity and gentle tannin along with suggestions of clove, peppercorn and mocha.

The next post (on Thursday) reveals my suggestions for a pair of Friday Night treats to ease you into the weekend – as one of thse “superior events” today’s post discusses.

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4 responses

  1. Hi Brian. Fan as I am of most things Chenin Blanc next time Im in Lidl Ill have this one from the deluxe range. Though Ive not had their Western Cape CB from the Cimarosa range for.a while, that I liked a lot, I looked to see if it was still there. Yes .. and at an astonishing £3.99. Incredible value, if quality has been maintained. Same for your Morrisons Cotes du Rhone at the price it is!!!

  2. For sure Brian but only if it’s on the shelf!! Everything but that bottle of CduR I went for unfortunately but did pick up a couple of the £4.99 Soave from a previous rrcommendation. The SA- CB from Lidl I got and it is very nice. A case of it doesnt have to be Vouvray to hit the spot when presently Cabernet Franc from the Loire IS being discussed in preferential terms. Thats not to say that most everything the whole length of the Loire gets my vote. It all deserves its place. I think the Loire isundersold in this country even though a lot of drinkers in the 60s and 70s will have been brought up on Anjou rose… though that bottle might be off the radar now for being a touch sweeter than preferred as tastes have changed.

  3. I accept that availability between stores is a frustration but not too much to be done about it I fear. Glad that the chenin was at home though. Mid-century Anjou Rosé was indeed (at best) medium-dry but modern versions do seem to recognise that current drinkers prefer their wine a little drier.

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