Here is your weekly update on wine promotions at most supermarkets.
It provides a handful of “typical” deals and allows you to “put flesh on the bones” by heading through to the retailer’s website if your appetite is whetted.
The yellow and pink “Sunrise/Sunset” colour shading is used to indicate promotions that are new or, conversely, that are about to end.
Just a quick reminder about context though; this is a broadly based “information post” about promotions but, unlike my Tops Tips post, I have not sampled all of the wines mentioned.
At Tesco
Tesco’s latest promotion is in full swing but remember that the discounts only apply to Tesco Clubcard holders.
While most of the offers run into next month, don’t forget that several wines in the “under £6” part of the promotion actually revert to their list price this coming Monday.
Digging deeper into the content, I have pictured here one wine included in the current deals (down a pound to £5.50 incidentally) that I have rated highly in the past.
More generally though, here is a snapshot of the content of the promotion but fuller details are available on the retailer’s website.

At Sainsbury’s
The current promotion at Sainsbury’s is now drawing to a close with its 130 or so price reductions due to end on Tuesday.
I have, however, refreshed the chart below by adding a pinot noir I have enjoyed in a previous vintage which is pictured here and which is feature on this page of the Sainsbury’s website.
It is a Loire based version that, in that vintage, displayed juicy, raspberry and plum flavours enlivened by nippy acidity.
Here, then, is table giving a snapshot of what is on offer but do head over to the retailer’s web site for more details.

At M&S
Once again, details of what’s new in M&S take a broad view and highlight what they can offer for a series of events including Fairtrade Fortnight which began at the start of this week.
Outlining what is available is tricky because the M&S website puts its focus on sales of cases of six while individual bottles do appear on the Ocado site but can be at different prices to those applying to M&S physical stores.
This chart does, however, show you what deals can be found where M&S have a “bricks and mortar” presence.

At Morrisons
As usual, Morrisons has an extensive range of promotions and tailors them to fit the pricing and other polices in different parts of the UK.
Among its contents, are a number of deals on their premium own label wines (“The Best”) including the tangerine, pink grapefruit and fresh pineapple centred Best Pinot Grigio Alto Adige.
That drops from £10 to £8 in Scotland but instead is available in a “25% off when you buy three” offer elsewhere in the UK.
Below is the usual chart that picks out some of the promotion’s features although the Head Honcho deal does only apply to Scotland.

At Waitrose
Waitrose probably has the most extensive range of promotions on the High Street, and they cover an equally wide spectrum of price points.
Among the reductions, the reliable medium bodied and nutty plum and bramble flavoured La Piuma Montepulciano d’Abruzzo drops 25% to £5.99
Of necessity, this chart can only pick out a small sample of what is available at Waitrose but the rest of their offers are particularly well documented on this page of their website.

At the Co-op
Good as so many Co-op wines are, things can be complicated by this retailer’s structure, with (often autonomous) local groupings meaning things can differ from place to place.
It’s especially important, therefore, to check the price in any particular store before advancing to the check-out; the price on the shelf is the definitive one.
In a similar format to that used for other retailers, here is my snapshot of the current deals but this has been revised to reflect the minor mid-term reset that the Co-op have made to the promotion.

At Asda
STOP PRESS: Just as this post was being finalised, came news that Asda is offering 25% off selected (premium own label) Extra Special wines. The promotion started yesterday and is scheduled to run until 23 March.
Drop by again for Monday’s regular post that reveals my Top Tips on what to buy now in a way that the broad brush needed today cannot.