The Pink Side of Pinot and the Richer Side of Reds.

A delightfully unusual rosé for you to relish today along with a red with an edge of sweetness.

Red wine with prosecco levels of residual sugar do not always get a good press – particularly from the snootier end of the wine trade.

Nevertheless, they are acquiring a following and can work well.

Their partnerships with rich, hearty savoury dishes can be very successful – as can marriages with BBQ sauces and some curries.

Those touches of sweetness ably counteract any spiciness, richness and caramelisation in the foods.

Where similarity rather than contrast is needed, they can also score highly – red wine for chocolate for example.

Whatever the reason for seeking them out, I am featuring one such red wine today.

Its companion, however, journeys in the opposite direction.

It does not lay stress on the robust savouriness pinot noir can sometimes acquire.

Instead, today’s selection takes the variety’s delicate and nuanced side into the realms of rosé wine.

This is from Germany where higher average temperatures are increasing the number of the variety’s vines.

According to some reports, that country has now reached the No.3 spot among the world’s producers of pinot noir.

I hope one (or both) of today’s choices float boats for you.

As is normal here, pictures and hyperlinks are provided where possible to guide you straight to the right wine on shelf or web page.

That red with an edge of sweetness

2022 The Gathering Storm (from £6.49 at Majestic and 12% abv):

As I say, I recognise that groups of MidWeekers are fond of reds with a dash or two of residual sugar (Apothic is one example).

This one they will love – a tempranillo from the producers of Majestic’s top selling Guv’nor wines.

Medium bodied and – as indicated – sweet edged, it features soft raspberry and red cherry flavours.

These are ably supported by floral aromas, aniseed traces and mild tannin.

Pinot in its rosé form

2022 Johann Wolf Pinot Noir Rosé (£7.49 – instead of £9.99 until 1 August – at Waitrose and 11.5%): 

Although riesling remains king in this German wine’s Pfalz homeland, pinot noir is becoming increasingly important there.

This example uses the variety to produce a very fresh and slightly unusual rosé which, with its current 25% discount, represents terrific value.

Pale in colour with attractive floral aromas, it displays wild strawberry, pomegranate and rose hip flavours.

That cocktail of fruit elements is accompanied by a zingy prickle of tangerine acidity and just a suspicion of sweetness.

Changed Tax Arrangements

New UK alcohol tax rates come into force on 1 August – and you probably can guess in which direct prices are expected to go.

This piece in the excellent Drinks Business publication explains the details.

The headline result is to expect most still wine prices to go up by about 50p but more radical changes are expected in April 2025.

After today’s focus on wines from two different retailers, it will be a look at the latest Lidl Wine Tour (on the day it is released) when we meet again on Thursday.

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4 responses

  1. Really pleased to see the Johann Wolf Rosé back in stock, For a while it seemed that my local Waitrose had discontinued it. Thanks for the heads up, and as you say a great offer for a wine of this quality.

  2. Always nice to be re-united with old friends – especially when the price is keen. Well done for picking this out as a star when it appeared earlier – Germany, pinot noir and rosé are not words that appear together on many people’s wine radar.

  3. A trip to folks down south shortly has me requesting my supply team there to go to Waitrose and have me a bottle of the Johann Wolf rose chilling for when we arrive. Something else drinks-wise cropped up in The Guardian just now, caught my attention, in the way of an interesting Italian beer that Waitrose also stock … Menabrea from Biella … money off and 660cl bottles too! And just to mention I went specifically to a Co op today for recent bottles recommended here … that Chilean Carmenere with the colourful label and the Giraudiere Muscadet spoken about last week as well. Nice surprise when I got two of each and sparked the £5 off buy 3 bottles, so I’m well happy

  4. Given your love of the Loire, Eddie., I think that the muscadet in particular will excite your taste buds.

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